Friday, 15 June 2007


Paddington Public School’s

When: Sunday 17 June, 2007
Time: 10am – 4pm
Where: Paddington Public School, Oxford St, Paddington

Paddington Public School is currently undergoing a transformation. With the help of NECO, Blue Earth Inc. and October Sun Enterprises, Paddington Public School is making inroads into being a clean, green primary school.

To showcase the school’s green initiatives and to assist in educating students, parents and the broader community on issues relating to sustainable living, the idea of an ‘eco-fete’ was formulated. It was felt that this would be the best way to offer en masse information relating to both the schools environmental changes and general information on living sustainably.

To be held on June 17th in the grounds of Paddington Public School, the Green Elephant Eco-fete will offer real solutions to many of the issues related to global warming and climate change.

Featured at the fete will be eco-workshops, an environmental forum, demonstrations of urban sustainable products, services and initiatives and key guest speakers discussing issues related to this topic. Also featured will be entertainment throughout the day.

PS, Sydneys Lord Mayor, Clover Moore is participating in the Fete

New Video Posted

As you may have seen from the "How Bokashi Works" page. we have a video posted on YouTube that explains what to do with your Bokashi Waste. We have posted a new video on what happens to your waste after it is buried. Take time to watch. Let us know if you have any questions.

Thursday, 7 June 2007


Workshop on Bokashi in the South Room, 1:30PM - 2:15PM

10:30am - 3:30pm
Saturday 16 June 2007
Celebrating World Environment Day
FREE advice and workshops on how to make your home eco-friendly
Randwick Community Centre
27 Munda Street Randwick
off Hendy Avenue Randwick 1300 722 542