Saturday 17 August 2013

Hothouse Tomatoes

Of course at this time of the year there is no outdoor tomatoes as such coming through the markets for mainstream supply.  At best you can buy QLD vine ripened lines,  which tend to arrive at the supermarket in ready to eat condition,  but then,  you pay a price.

So what do we have for $6.98/ per kilo at this time of year?  Hothouse grown tomatoes.  Twice this week I have shopped for tomatoes.  They are starting to get pricey at $6.98,  but they van easily get to $12.00 over the next 6-10 weeks,  and especially if there is any areas affected by frost or rain,  they will definitely reach $12.00.  (if there is no issues,  then you can expect to pay $6.99 - 7.50 max through the next period until the outdoors come online)

OK,  enough ranting.  As I look at this tomato on the kitchen bench,  I give this tip to all the people this week that have whinged to me about tomatoes being hard, or even green.  Buy a bag, or even 1 or 2,  and don't put them in the fridge,  leave them out on the bench in a warm place for up to five days to control ripen to how you like them.  I have had one on the bench for 3 days,  and hope to be able to use it tomorrow for sandwiches.  Have a great Sunday!

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